Isnin, 27 Disember 2010
Ahad, 26 Disember 2010
keputusan Perlawanan Akhir pertama piala AFFSUZUKI CUP 2010
Malaysia berjaya menewaskan Indonesia dengan 3 gol tanpa balas. Gol-gol Malaysia dijaringkan Safee Sali (2 gol) dan Ashaari Shamsudin.
Penjaring Gol Malaysia
1.Gol pertama Malaysia dilakukan oleh Safee Sali pada minit ke 60 hasil hantaran shahrul.
2.Gol kedua dijaringkan oleh Mohamed Ashari pada minit ke 67
3.Gol dijaringkan Safee Sali pada minit ke 72
*Permainan dihentikan seketika pada minit ke 58 akibat tindakan segelintir penyokong yang masih lagi menggunakan pancaran laser dengan tujuan mengganggu tumpuan penjaga gol pasukan Indonesia. center
Sabtu, 25 Disember 2010
Finals | ||||||||
Sun 26 Dec | Final Lg1 | Malaysia | vs | Indonesia | ||||
Wed 29 Dec | Final Lg2 | Indonesia | vs | Malaysia |
Jumaat, 24 Disember 2010
Saat pergantian tahun sering kita manfaatkan untuk bermuhasabah, menghitung diri, dan meletakkan landasan untuk melangkah ke depan. Pergantian tahun hijriyah juga bisa menjadi momentum untuk memaknai peristiwa Hijrah Nabi Muhammad saw. beserta kaum mu’minin waktu itu. Setelah 13 tahun berdakwah di Mekah penuh dengan tekanan dan siksaan, perintah Hijrah dari Allah swt. menjadi titik balik bagi islam dan kaum muslimin. Hijrah mereka ke Madinah menjadi kunci perkembangan pesat islam dan kemenangan.
Tadabbur Ayat-ayat Hijrah
Berikut ini adalah ayat-ayat di dalam Al Qur’an yang bertema hijrah ataupun turun berkaitan dengan peristiwa tersebut. Semoga kita bisa mengambil manfaat, hikmah dan pelajaran dari mereka.dan Yang mempersatukan hati mereka (orang-orang yang beriman) . Walaupun kamu membelanjakan semua (kekayaan) yang berada di bumi, niscaya kamu tidak dapat mempersatukan hati mereka, akan tetapi Allah telah mempersatukan hati mereka. Sesungguhnya Dia Maha Gagah lagi Maha Bijaksana. [Al Anfaal (8): 63]Penduduk Madinah yang terdiri dari suku Aus dan Khazraj selalu bermusuhan sebelum Nabi Muhammad s.a.w hijrah ke Madinah. Setelah mereka masuk Islam, permusuhan itu hilang.
Dan sesungguhnya benar-benar mereka hampir membuatmu gelisah di negeri (Mekah) untuk mengusirmu daripadanya dan kalau terjadi demikian, niscaya sepeninggalmu mereka tidak tinggal, melainkan sebentar saja. [Al Israa' (17): 76]Maksudnya: kalau sampai terjadi Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. diusir, oleh penduduk Mekah, niscaya mereka tidak akan lama hidup di dunia, dan Allah segera akan membinasakan mereka. Hijrah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. ke Madinah bukan karena pengusiran kaum Quraisy, melainkan semata-mata karena perintah Allah.
Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang diwafatkan malaikat dalam keadaan menganiaya diri sendiri, (kepada mereka) malaikat bertanya : “Dalam keadaan bagaimana kamu ini?.” Mereka menjawab: “Adalah kami orang-orang yang tertindas di negeri (Mekah).” Para malaikat berkata: “Bukankah bumi Allah itu luas, sehingga kamu dapat berhijrah di bumi itu?.” Orang-orang itu tempatnya neraka Jahannam, dan Jahannam itu seburuk-buruk tempat kembali. [An Nisaa' (4): 97]Yang dimaksud dengan orang yang menganiaya diri sendiri di sini, ialah orang-orang muslimin Mekah yang tidak mau hijrah bersama Nabi sedangkan mereka sanggup. Mereka ditindas dan dipaksa oleh orang-orang kafir ikut bersama mereka pergi ke perang Badar; akhirnya di antara mereka ada yang terbunuh dalam peperangan itu.
Barangsiapa berhijrah di jalan Allah, niscaya mereka mendapati di muka bumi ini tempat hijrah yang luas dan rezki yang banyak. Barangsiapa keluar dari rumahnya dengan maksud berhijrah kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, kemudian kematian menimpanya (sebelum sampai ke tempat yang dituju), maka sungguh telah tetap pahalanya di sisi Allah. Dan adalah Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang. [An Nisaa' (4): 100]
Berhijrah menuju Cahaya Allah
(Ini adalah) Kitab yang Kami turunkan kepadamu supaya kamu mengeluarkan manusia dari gelap gulita kepada cahaya terang benderang dengan izin Tuhan mereka, (yaitu) menuju jalan Tuhan Yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Terpuji. [Ibrahim (14): 1]
Allah Pelindung orang-orang yang beriman; Dia mengeluarkan mereka dari kegelapan (kekafiran) kepada cahaya (iman). Dan orang-orang yang kafir, pelindung-pelindungnya ialah syaitan, yang mengeluarkan mereka daripada cahaya kepada kegelapan (kekafiran). Mereka itu adalah penghuni neraka; mereka kekal di dalamnya. [Al Baqarah (2): 257]
Dialah yang memberi rahmat kepadamu dan malaikat-Nya (memohonkan ampunan untukmu), supaya Dia mengeluarkan kamu dari kegelapan kepada cahaya (yang terang). Dan adalah Dia Maha Penyayang kepada orang-orang yang beriman. [Al Ahzab (33): 43]
(Dan mengutus) seorang Rasul yang membacakan kepadamu ayat-ayat Allah yang menerangkan (bermacam-macam hukum) supaya Dia mengeluarkan orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal saleh dari kegelapan kepada cahaya. [Ath Thalaq (65): 11] center
Proton Saga facelift unveiled at Thai Motor Expo 2010
Auto Car | Proton Saga facelift unveiled at Thai Motor Expo 2010 | We’re here at the Thai Motor Expo 2010 for some pre-KLIMS motorshow action, where Proton has unveiled the 2011 Proton Saga facelift! Here’s an initial list of changes from what we’re able to tell so far:

The entire front end has pretty much changed from the head lamps, grille, bumper, and even the engine hood sheet metal design. The new engine hood now creases in a way that makes the left and right sides of the hood higher. There’s also a very faint spine in the middle of the hood, where in the pre-facelift Saga it was flat.

The headlamps now appear to use three bulbs instead of the previous two bulb config – we think this means there’s a dedicated bulb for high beam now. The signal lamps have been moved towards the inside of the lamps.

The rear end also has significant changes. The tail lamps are new and have LED lighting. There’s a small spoiler on the boot lid, and because of the spoiler design the Saga badge has to be relocated slightly to the left.

The bumper now has a black insert for the diffuser-like design feature, and it’s now wider with reflector lenses and shaped to show off the exhaust muffler and tail pipe, as opposed to the pre-FL Saga which had its rear end designed to hide the exhaust tail pipe.
The 1-DIN Clarion radio looks the same to us (except for the MP3/WMA logos which indicate support for those files), but there are new USB and AUX-in ports which are not integrated into the radio but are instead positioned to the lower right of the radio. This takes up some of the cubby hole space below the radio.

The steering wheel now has audio control buttons, similiar in style to the Satria Neo’s.
The fabric pattern on the door cards and the seats are now of a different design (old one is on the left). The baseline model in Thailand has a yet another different fabric pattern, and the one we are showing above in comparison to the old fabric is the high spec fabric pattern.

There are now rear power window button controls. As for which of the Malaysian car specs will feature rear power windows and which won’t, we’ll have to wait for the Malaysian launch
There’s a new alloy wheel design, but the tyre size is the same as before – 185/60R14.
There’s now the option for a front passenger airbag which takes up the ’tissue box’ holder compartment in the pre-facelift Saga.
These are the only changes we are able to see so far, and we have to note that some of these updates like the USB/AUX function, the extra airbag and the rear power windows could only be for the higher spec models. Four colours are available in Thailand – Solid White, Tranquility Black, Genetic Silver and the new colour you see here which is Blue Rock.
There could be other changes on the mechanical side of things though, which we will probably only be able to find out when we speak to Proton’s engineers in Malaysia. The Thai spec sheet (which you will be able to see after the jump) quotes 70kW and 120Nm, which is the same as the pre-facelift Saga.
Source : and center

The entire front end has pretty much changed from the head lamps, grille, bumper, and even the engine hood sheet metal design. The new engine hood now creases in a way that makes the left and right sides of the hood higher. There’s also a very faint spine in the middle of the hood, where in the pre-facelift Saga it was flat.

The headlamps now appear to use three bulbs instead of the previous two bulb config – we think this means there’s a dedicated bulb for high beam now. The signal lamps have been moved towards the inside of the lamps.

The rear end also has significant changes. The tail lamps are new and have LED lighting. There’s a small spoiler on the boot lid, and because of the spoiler design the Saga badge has to be relocated slightly to the left.

The bumper now has a black insert for the diffuser-like design feature, and it’s now wider with reflector lenses and shaped to show off the exhaust muffler and tail pipe, as opposed to the pre-FL Saga which had its rear end designed to hide the exhaust tail pipe.
The 1-DIN Clarion radio looks the same to us (except for the MP3/WMA logos which indicate support for those files), but there are new USB and AUX-in ports which are not integrated into the radio but are instead positioned to the lower right of the radio. This takes up some of the cubby hole space below the radio.

The steering wheel now has audio control buttons, similiar in style to the Satria Neo’s.
The fabric pattern on the door cards and the seats are now of a different design (old one is on the left). The baseline model in Thailand has a yet another different fabric pattern, and the one we are showing above in comparison to the old fabric is the high spec fabric pattern.

There are now rear power window button controls. As for which of the Malaysian car specs will feature rear power windows and which won’t, we’ll have to wait for the Malaysian launch
There’s a new alloy wheel design, but the tyre size is the same as before – 185/60R14.
There’s now the option for a front passenger airbag which takes up the ’tissue box’ holder compartment in the pre-facelift Saga.
These are the only changes we are able to see so far, and we have to note that some of these updates like the USB/AUX function, the extra airbag and the rear power windows could only be for the higher spec models. Four colours are available in Thailand – Solid White, Tranquility Black, Genetic Silver and the new colour you see here which is Blue Rock.
There could be other changes on the mechanical side of things though, which we will probably only be able to find out when we speak to Proton’s engineers in Malaysia. The Thai spec sheet (which you will be able to see after the jump) quotes 70kW and 120Nm, which is the same as the pre-facelift Saga.
Source : and center
Ahad, 19 Disember 2010
Malaysia tubangkan juara bertahan vietnam
JURULATIH K Rajagobal dijulang pemain negara selepas tamat perlawanan menentang Vietnam, malam tadi.
for more info
Jumaat, 17 Disember 2010
Sabtu, 4 Disember 2010
Nissan GT-R clocks 0-100km/h in 3 seconds
Nissan GT-R clocks 0-100km/h in 3 seconds
Auto Zone | Nissan GT-R clocks 0-100km/h in 3 seconds | Nissan has usually announced a new 2012 indication 390kW Nissan GT-R is able of regulating a 0-100km/h scurry 0.5 of a second faster than a stream MY2011 362kW (Japanese) variant. Nissan even tested a time in varying continue conditions usually to make sure.
Three seconds prosaic for a 0-100km/h time is intensely quick, some sports bikes can usually only conduct it in that time. Nissan says a automobile they ran was a totally batch vehicle, propitious with customary tyres too – although, a automobile was setup in ‘Race’ and ‘Dynamic’ modes regulating a customary on-board cessation and traction control settings.The association finished a runs on a Sendai Hi-land Race Way in Japan – a lane famous for large drag racing meets – and ran it on dual apart days, one balmy and one cloudy. The heat during a lane was 14.9 degrees Celsius on a balmy day and 18.6 degrees C on a second day.Auto Zone: Source center
Khamis, 2 Disember 2010
Rabu, 1 Disember 2010
Ferrari 360 : Fastest Limo in the World
Ferrari 360 : Fastest Limo in the World, We’ve seen some pretty cool limousines in our time (driving by of course, not the inside) but never one quite like this. Usually the folks stretching out a vehicle will do it with something that has a little more girth, giving its passengers a little party room.
In the case with this stretched Ferrari 360 Modena, it appears that the goal might be to ride in more of a sporty (cramped), luxurious style. This limousine has been dubbed the fastest limo in the world and still has those awesome gull-wing style doors, only bigger (9 feet).
In the case with this stretched Ferrari 360 Modena, it appears that the goal might be to ride in more of a sporty (cramped), luxurious style. This limousine has been dubbed the fastest limo in the world and still has those awesome gull-wing style doors, only bigger (9 feet).

According to owner Dan Cawley, the Ferrari 360 has been stretched to 23 feet while still maintaining a top speed of 170mph and can achieve 0-60 in under 6 seconds. The smooth ride can hold eight passengers and cost over $400,000 to modify to its current state, but for some odd reason none of those modifications involved including a mini bar…what where they thinking? []

2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Spyder Performante

Automotive Cars | 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Spyder Performante | With the new Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Spyder Performante, Lamborghini is setting a new benchmark in the most fascinating automobile segment of all - the open-top super sports car. As "Performante", the Gallardo Spyder is even lighter thanks to CFRP technology, even more agile and even more dynamic. The new Spyder Performante is an automotive high-performance athlete that combines sheer sporting excellence and extreme performance with that unique open-air feeling that only a soft-top spanning the ten-cylinder power unit can offer. Ultimately, every spin in the Spyder Performante is like a journey into the eye of the storm. The Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 Spyder is already at the peak of its game, bearing testament to the lightweight engineering approach pursued by the Lamborghini brand. Nevertheless, the engineers in Sant'Agata Bolognese managed to reduce the weight of the new Spyder Performante by a further 65 kilograms (143 lbs). The open super sports car tips the scales with a dry weight of no more than 1.485 kilograms (3.274 lbs) - a new best for that highly exclusive market segment occupied by Lamborghini. The Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Spyder Performante is an uncompromising driving machine. Its chassis, with its mighty brakes, is a work of great precision, while the new 19-inch wheels with Pirelli P Zero Corsa sports tires are extremely lightweight. The LP 570-4 Performante brings a new meaning to the term "Spyder".

The elegance of every Lamborghini rests on its extreme power and precise function. The design of the Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Spyder Performante, too, concentrates on the sheer essence of the design language - the bodyshell is pure sculpture and free of superfluous decoration. Its profile follows the contours of a dynamic wedge measuring 4.39 meters long, 1.90 meters wide, but only 1.18 meters high. Open or closed, the top of the Spyder Performante can handle the very highest speeds. From the very first glance, the Spyder Performante is clearly recognizable as the open-top counterpart to the highly acclaimed and successful Gallardo Superleggera. The exterior modifications are all directed at increasing the aerodynamic effect in comparison to the Gallardo Spyder. Working closely with wind tunnel experts, designers from Lamborghini's Centro Stile remodeled the front bumper - three-dimensional, deeply recessed elements form trapezoidal frames for the large air intakes. Together with the V-shaped, sharply defined nose and the LED daytime running lights, the black elements give the front end a razor-sharp look. The design also optimizes the supply of cooling air and improves the downforce on the front axle. Modifications to the fully-covered underbody, new sill elements and a redesigned diffuser incorporating four large tailpipes also help to achieve better aerodynamic results. A large optional rear spoiler is also available for the Spyder Performante.

In the Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Spyder Performante, LP stands for "Longitudinale Posteriore" and refers to the orientation of the V10 engine - which is mounted longitudinally behind the driver, just like every Lamborghini engine. The number 570 refers to the maximum power output in hp, which equates to 419 kW and is available at 8,000 rpm. Equally impressive is the pulling power - the torque curve peaks at 540 Nm (398,3 ft lbs) at 6,500 rpm. The increase of 7 kW (10 hp) is the result of the new dedicated engine management strategy. The V10 has a displacement of 5,204 cm3 and achieves a specific output of 80.5 kW (109.6 hp) per liter. Special features on this long-stroke engine with an aluminum crankcase include dry sump lubrication and a cylinder angle of 90 degrees. Both solutions lower the center of gravity, thus improving handling dynamics. To ensure ideal combustion chamber fill, the engine has an adjustable intake manifold and continuous control of the chain-driven camshafts. The crankshaft is conceived as a dual-plane crank - the connecting rods of opposing pistons share one bearing. This configuration delivers alternating ignition intervals of 54 and 90 degrees; a unique sequence that is the reason for the compelling, racing car-like sound of the V10. As the revs rise, resounding bass notes are overlaid with razor sharp harmonics. The powerful V10, combined with the model's weight reduction, gives the Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Spyder Performante breathtaking performance. The sprint from zero to 100 km/h (0-62 mph) takes just 3.9 seconds. Drive continues relentlessly to a top speed of 324 km/h (201 mph). center
Top 10 Fastest Cars In The World
Automotive Cars | Top 10 Fastest Cars In The World 2010-2011 | While most of us can only dream of owning the fastest car in the world, some will do whatever it takes to possess such speed and power. So, how fast are the fastest cars in the world? Here are the 10 fastest cars available on the market measures by top speed.
Automotive Cars | Top 10 Fastest Cars In The World 2010-2011 | While most of us can only dream of owning the fastest car in the world, some will do whatever it takes to possess such speed and power. So, how fast are the fastest cars in the world? Here are the 10 fastest cars available on the market measures by top speed.
1. Bugatti Veyron : 267 mph, 0-60 in 2.5 secs. Aluminum, Narrow Angle 8 Liter W16 Engine with 1200 hp, base price is $1,700,000. Tested again on July 10, 2010 with the new 2010 Super Sport Version, the Bugatti Veyron once again claimed its title as the fastest car in the world at 267 mph.

2. SSC Ultimate Aero : 257 mph, 0-60 in 2.7 secs. Twin-Turbo V8 Engine with 1183 hp, base price is $654,400. Tested in March 2007 by Guinness World Records, The SSC Ultimate Aero was the fastest car in the world from March 2007 to July 2010 until recently it fell behind the Bugatti Veyron to take the #2 spot.

3. Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo : 248 mph, 0-60 in 3.2 secs. Twin Turbo All Aluminum V8 Engine with 750 hp, base price is $555,000. Smooth and bad-ass, will make you want to show it off non-stop.

4. Koenigsegg CCX : 245 mph, 0-60 in 3.2 secs. 90 Degree V8 Engine 806 hp, base price is $545,568. Made in Sweden, it is aiming hard to be the fastest car in the world, but it has a long way to go to surpass the Bugatti and the Ultimate Aero.

5. McLaren F1 : 240 mph, 0-60 in 3.2 secs. BMW S70/2 60 Degree V12 Engine with 627 hp, base price is $970,000. Check out the doors, they looks like bat wings, maybe Batman need to order one and paints it black 1997 McLaren F1 on the road black.

6. Ferrari Enzo : 217 mph, 0-60 in 3.4 secs. F140 Aluminum V12 Engine with 660 hp, base price is $670,000. Only 399 ever produced, the price goes up every time someone crashes.

7. Jaguar XJ220 : 217 mph, 0-60 in 3.8 secs. Twin Turbo V6 Engine with 542 hp, base price was $650,000. Made in 1992, this car still got what it takes to make the list.

8. Pagani Zonda F : 215 mph, 0-60 in 3.5 secs. Mercedes Benz M180 V12 Engine with 650 hp, base price is $667,321. With a V12 motor, this baby can do much better.

9. Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 : 211 mph, 0-60 in 3.3 secs. V12 Engine with 640 hp, base price is $430,000. Nice piece of art, the design is very round and smooth.

10. Porsche Carrera GT : 205 mph, 0-60 in 3.9 secs. Aluminum, 68 Degree, Water Cooled V10 Engine with 612 hp, base price is $440,000. The most powerful and most expensive Porsche nearly made the list as #10.

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